Definition of First sergeant

1. Noun. A sergeant in the Army above the rank of staff sergeant and below master sergeant.

Exact synonyms: Sergeant First Class
Specialized synonyms: Orderly Sergeant
Generic synonyms: Sergeant

Definition of First sergeant

1. Noun. (American English) In the United States Army, a non-commissioned officer ranking above sergeant first class and below sergeant major; equal in rank to a master sergeant but with greater command authority. ¹

2. Noun. (American English) In the United States Marine Corps, a non-commissioned officer ranking above gunnery sergeant and below sergeant major or master gunnery sergeant; equal in rank to a master sergeant, but with command rather than technical responsibilities. ¹

3. Noun. (American English) In the United States Air Force, an appointment (not a rank) for the senior member of enlisted personnel in a squadron or other unit. The appointment is usually held by a master sergeant. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of First Sergeant

first places
first point of Aries
first port of call
first principle
first principles
first quarter
first rain
first rank symptoms
first rate
first reading
first receiver
first responder
first responders
first rudiment
first sacker
first sergeant
first sergeants
first session
first slip
first slips
first stage of labour
first step
first stomach
first strike
first string
first team
first temporal convolution
first thing
first things first

Literary usage of First sergeant

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-1865 by Minnesota, Charles Eugene Flandrau (1890)
"Company I, First Lieutenant Moses Greenleaf to be captain, first sergeant WF Weiser to be first lieutenant, Sergeant CF Macdonald to be second lieutenant. ..."

2. Company Command: The Bottom Line by John G. Meyer, Jr., John G. Meyer (1995)
"When you arrive at your unit at 0630 hours, the first sergeant is waiting in ... The Company Commander Commands the Unit; The first sergeant Runs It By now, ..."

3. The United States Service Magazine (1864)
"first sergeant Samuel Burness, of Co. B, 2d Battalion,"June 2, 1863. first sergeant John Williams, Co. C, 1st Battalion, June 1, 1803. ..."

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